From the Files of the

  Reported  by Confidential
This report includes eye witness sketches (below) done by
Bill Asmussen which ARE copyrighted.

RECEIVED:From the G.C.B.R.O. Web Site Submission Form

DATE:        07/03/89

TIME:        9:30 A.M.

LOCATION:    Hollywood, Alabama, Jackson County

TERRAIN:      Wooded,swampy,close to river mountains nearby.

OBSERVED:  I was walking through the woods not far from the river close to 10 feet away. I encountered a very foul smell I assumed it was something dead in the water. As I continued to walk forward their was a small creature walking towards me. It was around five feet tall maybe one hundred pounds are so. It was standing around ten to fifteen feet away from me it was covered with short black hair from head to toe with less hair around the eyes.

It was obvious to tell that it was a female I thought for a second that it was a person in a costume.  It had an ape type mouth but a nose more like a human.  When it saw me it was just like it froze it didn't move at all it was simply watching me. I think it was as scared of me as I was of it. I looked at it for thirty seconds I was not sure what to do. I turned and ran.  The creature did not follow me. I have come to the conclusion that the creature was a juvenile female.

Activities of Witness:     I was walking along the river bank looking for a good place to fish from. The area was heavly wooded. As I ran from the area I broke my fishing rod. All I had left of it when I got back was the handle and reel.  I had cuts and scratches on me also.

Description of Creature:   Ever since I saw it there are
some aspects of it that my memory is very solid on because I got a really
good look at it. Talking about the incedent still brings back emotions for
me it was such a fearfull experience. I will give you some more details here (snip).

For one the bigfoot was beyond any doubt a female.  She had brown
eyes and was covered in black hair.  The hair was maybe two to three inches at
the most.  I think the animals may shed and have a short coat for summer and a
longer coat for winter. The hair on the face was a lot shorter, maybe one
inch long. There was less hair around the eyes, no hair on the palms.  She had
a nose very simular to African people, flat between the eyes and wider at the
bottom and some what flared.  The lips were thin, much like a ape.  She had
breasts, not large like the bigfoot in the Patterson film, smaller, just as if
she was just starting to develop them.  Nipples were also visible.  There was
less hair around the nipples. As I mentioned earlier, I believe this Bigfoot
to have been a juvenile She only stood around five feet tall and her build
was very simular to that of a girl of almost the same size. She was thin, had
slender arms and legs.  You could also see that she had hips. She most likely
weighed around one hundred pounds.  She could have been a little heavier than
that but she looked as though she needed to gain some weight. Maybe she was
still thin from the winter before or she was just inexperinced in gathering
food.  I do not recall a cone shaped head as other people have seen. Maybe she
was still too young to have developed it yet.  Her ribs were also slightly
visible as if she had gotten really thin over the winter and was in the
process of gaining weight back.  As she looked at me you could see the fear
in her face very much like a person.  There was no doubt she saw the fear in
my face.  Her eyes were wide open like someone in shock.  She made no vocal
sounds.  She had small ears.  Seems like they were set farther back than a
persons ears, but I don't recall the shape of the ears.  During this experince
most of my time was concentrated on the face.  I was in a semi-shocked state
myself so I can't really say how long I stood there.   I think it was this
bigfoot's first close encounter with a person up close.  She just stood there
looking at me and I did the same.   Neither one of us would move.  My heart was
pounding really fast and then I turned and ran all the way out of the woods.
I broke my fishing rod into several parts.  I think I was screaming all the
way back to the car.  I got to the car, slung what was left of the fishing rod
and the tackle box into the trunk and took off.  I did not realize my
condition until I got home.   I had cuts and scratches all over me but no really
bad injuries.  All that was left of the fishing rod was the handle and reel.
That was in 1989 if the female bigfoot is still alive today no doubt she is
a lot larger! Since then I have taken a more serious interest in these
animals and have done a lot of research myself on human evolution and
remains of human ancestors like the remains they named Lucy. For the most
part until now I have kept my close encounter to myself for the simple
reason that it has drawn such a negative response from the few people I have
mentioned it too. To this day the only person that believes me is my
girlfriend.  I told her of it three years ago.  My mother does not even remember
my telling her about it.  She just dismissed it as a teenager prank.  I don't
want the people I know to think of me as someone who makes up things. Who
wants to be labled a liar?  Not me!  I have best friends that I have never
told and never will!

Other Notes:   Nothing was heard or observed before the foul smell was noticed.

Other Other Notes:     I have not heard of any other encounters in this area.

Follow Up Notes From Eyewitness:
I saw your photos of the calf kill.  I saw similar damage done to a young goat
before. It was on a local farm in Jackson County, Al.  It was killed beside a
farm pond and was just ripped open with a lot of the internal organs gone
but the intestines were still there.   This happened in the early Eighties.  I
was around 9 or 10 years old.  The farmer had no idea what killed it.  The goat
was not full grown but it was very close to being complete adult size.

No dogs in the area had ever done such a kill and the farmer was very close to
his neighbors and knew of none that had a dog that killed any live stock
since most people in that area farm.  Dogs that kill live stock are not put
up with and most people pen their dogs at night for just that reason.  I
don't recall seeing any foot prints of any kind the ground around the pond as it
was hard and dry.

This happened on Sand mountain near the Pisgah area. I
have a few theories and ideas about bigfoot myself. These animals most
likely have excellent night vision probably similar to that of cats. The one
that I encountered had such a strong smell, maybe they produce some type of
musk.  The odor was so strong these animals should be able to track each other
from just smell for miles. I want to tell you more about Jackson County.  It
is in the upper most part of Northeast Alabama on the borders of Tennessee
and Georgia.  It is a heavily wooded county with the Tennessee river running
through it.  It has both deep valleys and Mountains...and a very abundant
supply of water everywhere and like many parts of the south there is a large
deer population.

Most of the terrain is very difficult to get through.  I have
seen some wooded areas that are so thick you can't see daylight through
them.  A lot of these areas go for years without anyone going in there. Im
planning on going back to Jackson county to check some areas and to see if I
can find any of those stick formations that the creatures make. I have seen
such formations but did not think much of it at the time. Its most likely
that a lot of people in Jackson county have seen these animals but they do
not talk about it.  Most of the people in this area are very religious and
would not lie but simply fear what others might think.

 by Bill Asmussen
(Note:  Bill works with the eye witness(es) until the person(s)
are satisifed with the results and  the sketch truly portrays
what the witness(es) have seen)




Copyright February, 2001
Bill Asmussen

 Bill Asmussen's Hominid Artwork

Report taken and Posted to the G.C.B.R.O. web site by Mary Green

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