From the Files of the
Gulf Coast BigFoot Research Organization

Reported by: Confidential

Report Received From: The GCBRO Online Report Submission Form.
Report Posted To GCBRO Web Site OnJune 2, 2006

DATE:    July 15, 2003 

TIME:     7:30 PM 

LOCATION:   Canadian Rockies on the British Columbia Side.  

TERRAIN:    Mountains, Thick Forest. 

OBSERVED:    We were driving home through the canadian rockies when we stopped along side the highway to let our dogs do their "business". While the dogs sniffed around I let my niece and nephew get out of the car to stretch, a fight broke out over a BB Gun which took my attention away from the dogs for a moment. When I looked back one of the dogs was no longer there. With out thinking I told my Husband I would be right back and I went into the trees to get her thinking she just went to far looking for the perfect place. A few feet in I realized the trees were thicker than I thought, I couldn't see the road anymore. I stopped to call her name and listen for her when I smelt an awful odor. I cannot describe it. The only thing I could say was, all I remember was that it didn't have a distinct odor I could not compare it to anything I have ever smelt. It more so just gave me the sensation that my nose was burning. Our dogs wear safety alert collars that have a reflective strip on them. I caught her collar in the corner of my eye. She was standing there shaking and almost growling but trying to bark. More like a low howl I would say. Thinking nothing of it I walked over about 10 feet towards her. The odor became so strong I thought maybe she had been sprayed by a skunk (never having smelt skunk spray). I was about 5 feet away when I looked in the direction she was and noticed a Large Shadow( I realized the BB Gun I had in my hand would do no damage to an animal of that size). At this time I was now Shaking hysterically and too scared to scream out. Having been on many hunting trips with my older brothers I raised the BB Gun to my shoulder if for nothing more than a hope to scare the animal. The shadow Moved into a standing position and then I saw it was the shape of a person. Hair seemed to cover the whole body, although I didn't get a detailed look. Scared to death I reached out and grabbed my dog by the collar. She then began to Bark hysterically ( I think in an attempt to protect me) Having entered the national park we were given a pamphlet on what to do if you encountered an animal. It said never to turn your back on the wildlife, so with my eyes locked on the animal I began backing up. We were about 35 feet from the highway. It After about 10 feet I thought it took a few steps towards us. I also heard something along the lines or gibberish or babbling although I could not say what it was. With that I grabbed her in my arms (no small feat she weighs about 60 pounds) and I turned to run. I don't know if it followed us any further because my heart was pounding out of my chest and I had begun to sob. We made it back to the car all right. I never mentioned the encounter because I didn't want my husband to go in the woods to investigate and I didn't want to scare my niece and nephew. Knowing how people are disbelieved when they tell stories of Unknown animals in the woods I wish to remain Anonymous. It was a Horrifying experience and although I wouldn't say it looked as if it were to attack, It did not look friendly. It looked as though to be dominating, I credit our safe return to my dogs barking and the BB Gun -- Although it would have done no damage. 

Activities of Witness:   Looking for dog 

Description of Creature:  Approx. 6-7 feet tall, Dark in color. Hair seemed shaggy and matted. Initially in a crouching position, then standing up right. Did not get too close so saw nothing of detail.

Other Notes:    This was no bear nor any other animal within the Rockies.

Other (Informational or Encounter History in the General Area) Notes:    N/A

Additional Notes and or Follow up Comments N/A

Report Posted to the G.C.B.R.O. web site by:  GCBRO Web master



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