From the Files of the
Gulf Coast BigFoot Research Organization

Reported by: Confidential

Report Received From: The GCBRO Online Report Submission Form.
Report Posted To GCBRO Web Site On  January 1, 2009

DATE:    December 20, 1992 

TIME:     8:00 PM 

LOCATION:   Ontario, Canada 

TERRAIN:    Wooded 

OBSERVED:    This was not a bigfoot/sasquatch encounter, but the witness of foot prints/tracks in the snow, by two young boys, aged 10.

16 years ago, a boy named Xxxxxx and myself friends at the time.  We lived across the street from each other until i moved away not long after.
It was evening time, dark, the sun having set not too long ago, by recollection. Twilight. Dark, but not dead of night.
My friend and I had been playing, hanging out in his backyard which we did often at the time.  His Backyard had a short fence, which on the other side was a small middle school, a jungle gym/Park area for children/community, and a stretch of grassy land which connected/borders large patches of forests, unbuilt land, divided by main roads.

Me and my friend were getting ready to go home because it was getting dark, around 7 or 8pm, and it was winter, with fresh snow because it had been snowing that day, so much that it blanketed every inch of grassy land.  We were playing in and around the area surrounding his house, his backyard, which connected to the park and forest, as well as the sides of his house. We were at the South-western side of his house when we came upon his back yard, fresh snow everywhere except for our own distinct shoe prints and tracks.  I noticed tracks leading from his back yard fence to the other side of the house where we were not, and seldom spent time, it was narrower, closer to the other house, with less room to play around. That side was used much less. no one around there ever, just a small alley leading up to his front door and the neighbors door.
Upon closer inspection, we noticed the tracks WERE NOT shoe prints, as we could clearly, and distinctly see the difference.
It was the outline of a hominid foot, like a a very big gorilla or ape. We thought it was human at first, we could clearly see the impression of 5 digits which included a pair of two big toes. These prints were much bigger than our own shoe prints.

That's not saying a lot, EXCEPT that we clearly saw THESE prints were way too big to be adult human feet.  We knew what our own shoe prints looked like.  We knew what bigger, adult shoe prints looked like, in the snow.  These human-looking prints were very big, even for a human.  Im sure we may have fantasized, but we didn't believe what we were seeing.  The prints looked like those of a very large person, maybe 8 feet tall.  We then joked it could be a sasquatch because of the large open area, vacant at night which connected to a forest.  These tracks scared us.  The evidence, staring us in the face defied our doubts or disbelief.

Whoever this being was, it hopped the short wire fence, and walked straight ahead toward the other side of the house, where we were not, and beyond.  We clearly saw extra large footprints from the fence across his backyard to the alleyway between houses and toward a quiet street between our two houses, at the time.  We were too scared to investigate the tracks further into the already really dark alley way.  It was night already, which was why decided to end play and to go home, right before we came upon the tracks leading to the OTHER side of the house.  The unique, large foot prints that indented the snow had human-like contours to it, which frightened us enough to go straight home.

Because of that night, and other people's accounts, i believe that this creature exists, Bigfoot, sasquatch, yeti, australopithecus, what ever we want to call it.   

Activities of Witness:   We were hanging out and conversing, playing make believe/using our imagination, entertaining ourselves outside, and enjoying the winter snow.  

Description of Creature:  Creature itself was not witnessed.

Other Notes:    The area is quiet, older suburb houses built in the 70's, surrounded by many large wooded, forest areas, many old trees.  Not a lot of human activity, economically declining area in terms of local businesses.  The area is very sleepy.

Other (Informational or Encounter History in the General Area) Notes:    N/A

Additional Notes and or Follow up Comments N/A

Report Posted to the G.C.B.R.O. web site by:  GCBRO Web master

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