From the Files of the
Gulf Coast BigFoot Research Organization

Reported by: Confidential

Report Received From: The GCBRO Online Report Submission Form.
Report Posted To GCBRO Web Site On  September 3, 2009

DATE:    12/01/2005 

TIME:     12:00 a.m. 

LOCATION:   Lake County, Florida 

TERRAIN:    Swampy 

OBSERVED:    My family was visiting my aunt. We were staying in a travel trailer she had on the property. Its was around midnight when I was awoken by a loud scream. It sounded like a female scream. but yet it sounded animalistic. It continues shrieking for about an hour. I was not able to look outside the window because I was frozen with fear. It was so loud and very terrifying. Unlike anything I had ever heard before.

Additional things: I heard loud thumping like someone running heavily through the yard. This place was surrounded by swampy woods.  

Activities of Witness:   We were all in bed. When I woke up the next morning, my whole family was shaken as they had heard the creature too. We were all to frightened to wake each other.  

Description of Creature:  I did not see the creature, but I knew it had to have been Bigfoot. 

Other Notes:   N/A

Other (Informational or Encounter History in the General Area) Notes:    My aunt also told me she had heard loud crashing through the woods and something had been going into the orange groves and peeled and ate all the fruit. the neighbors do not let their children play outside. It seems they all know that there is something out there as well as all the dogs. 

Additional Notes and or Follow up Comments I am a firm Bigfoot believer but I never imagined that I would have that experience. That night my whole family and I heard sounds like something huge stomping through the yard. Then came the screams from it. Okay I have heard many animal noises and I am familiar with nature. These screams came from something huge. It sounded like a primate like woman screaming. It continued for about an hour.  I later went online and listened to some alleged Bigfoot screams and found one that matched exactly what we all heard. I wish that I had looked outside but I was, as I said,  frozen in fear. Now there were men in my family there who were also terrified. So believe me, this was not something ordinary. Also, I mentioned that something had been going into the orange groves and been perfectly peeling hundreds of oranges and eating them. What besides a human can peel an orange? Also the dogs seem to go crazy sometimes and the stare at the woods before running indoors. I know what I heard was Bigfoot.

Report Posted to the G.C.B.R.O. web site by:  GCBRO Web master

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