From the Files of

Reported by Mary A. Green
From Research Notes



I found this pole stuck solidly in the ground along my
foot path below my house.  This path also serves as a
game trail.  Two prints on the game path that I recognize
are Deer and Raccoon.
(Eyewitness put apples on top of these poles to
see if they would go missing. )

©Copyrighted by eyewitness and GCBRO
All rights reserved.
May 2002

This photo is of the second pole I found solidly implanted
in the ground with the creek to the left of the
pole.  It is the larger of the two poles.  In the foreground,
there is also a live limb, freshly twisted/broken, lying in front of the pole.
(Eyewitness put apples on top of these poles to
see if they would go missing.)

©Copyrighted by eyewitness and GCBRO
All rights reserved.
May 2002

This photo is a close up of the pole.  Please note
the tree bow in the background.
(Eyewitness put apples on top of these poles to
see if they would go missing.)

©Copyrighted by eyewitness and GCBRO
All rights reserved.
May 2002

 This is a close-up of the smaller of the two poles.
(Eyewitness put apples on top of these poles to
see if they would go missing.)

©Copyrighted by eyewitness and GCBRO
All rights reserved.
May 2002

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