From the Files of the
Gulf Coast BigFoot Research Organization

Reported by: Confidential

Report Received From: The GCBRO Online Report Submission Form.

DATE:    October 18, 2003

TIME:     4:00 PM

LOCATION:   Lagrange County,  Indiana

TERRAIN:    The area surrounding the property is mainly farmland with a few farm houses that are basically scattered.

OBSERVED:    First off I have admit that I am somewhat skeptical of all the bigfoot claims but I did encounter something that I cant explain. I was hunting deer in the 03 Indiana archery season and while sitting in my tree stand I caught a glimpse of something moving through the woods in a rather random pattern.
At first I thought it was a deer heading my way, I was dressed completely head to toe in one of the new scent lock suits that's supposed to contain your human odor so that wildlife don't pick up your scent. I still wasn't sure what I was seeing but it was heading in my general direction and didn't seem alarmed so I just waited for it to get closer as I thought it was still a deer. It was moving in and out of the trees which were still partially covered with leaves that hadn't fallen yet so it would disappear and then reappear from time to time and it was only visible for a split second each time. This went on for approx. 10 minutes or so and you could clearly hear the footsteps, finally it was within approx. 30-40 yrds and I could make it out clearly now and it wasn't a deer or any animal I had ever seen in all my time in the woods. I have hunted my entire life and have seen just everything that walks, crawls or flies and most likely hunted them at one time or another and this wasn't anything I had seen before. It appeared to be covered in a reddish type hair that looked like it was a darker color underneath, it walked upright and hunched over on two legs like a human but clearly wasn't human, I would guess its hair to be 5-6 inches long, the hair was longer on the back of the legs and arms than the rest of the body and its arms were very long and powerful looking, its head was rather large and seemed to be somewhat pointed with a protruding forehead covered with long shaggy hair, Im 6'2" and 230 and this thing was easily twice my weight and then some, I was sitting in a ladder type tree stand that the bottom of the platform was 15 ft off the ground and this thing was approx. half as tall as that, I watched and remained motionless as it appeared to sniff the air. After a minute or so of this it let out some real deep growls and turned and looked in my general direction, I had remained motionless the entire time so I know it didn't see movement but somehow it knew something was there, it started circling my position and every now and then would let out a ear piercing scream followed by more growling. There were times when it was circling that it would disappear from sight but you could always tell where it was by the noise it made. While it was out of view I stood and placed and arrow on my bow as I was unsure of what else to do and wasn't going to take any chances, it made a complete circle around my position, there were times when you would see the small trees shaking and it sounded like it was hitting the trees with something but I couldn't tell for sure. It returned to approx. the position it started from, by then I believe it had figured out where I was as it was looking straight at me. It took a couple of steps toward my location and I decided that was enough, I drew back my bow and shot an arrow in to a tree just to the left it where it was standing, I had no intention of shooting it because I figured it would simply make a bad situation worse than it already was, besides I am pretty certain it wouldn't have done the job anyway, the arrow made a thud when it stuck in the tree causing the creature to scream at me, it backed off a short distance and when it took a few more steps in my direction I again shot and arrow in to a tree, it screamed once more at me then it turned and looked at the arrow and stood there for a minute or so looking at me then turned and walked away, as it was walking away it turned and looked back at me several times screaming each time. I couldn't believe it, still don't really but I know what I saw. I watched it for a long as I could see it and after approx. 30 minutes from the last time I saw it I climbed down and headed quickly in the opposite direction for my truck. Im not really sure what else to say except that if I hadn't been there I probably wouldn't have believed it myself.

Activities of Witness:   I had hunted the morning in a different stand location and moved to this one at approx. 1 pm.

Description of Creature:  It appeared to be covered in a reddish type hair that looked like it was a darker color underneath, it walked upright and hunched over on two legs like a human but clearly wasn't human, I would guess its hair to be 5-6 inches long, the hair was longer on the back of the legs and arms than the rest of the body and its arms were very long and powerful looking, its head was rather large and seemed to be somewhat pointed with a protruding forehead covered with long shaggy hair, Im 6'2" and 230 and this thing was easily twice my weight and then some.

Other Notes:    N/A

Additional Notes and or Follow up Comments Upon contact the witness had no additional information to add to this report.

Report Posted to the G.C.B.R.O. web site by:  GCBRO Web master

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