From the Files of the
Gulf Coast BigFoot Research Organization

Reported by: Confidential
Witness Information availalble to GCBRO Researchers Only

REPORT RECEIVED From:The GCBRO Online Reports Submission page.

DATE:    5-00-94

TIME:    12:30 AM

LOCATION:    Indiana, Montgomery County

TERRAIN:   heavy old growth forest w/sandstone cliffs  

OBSERVED:     while camping with my young son, was awakened by sound of animal coming through the woods.  sounds of leaves and snapping of small twigs.  thought it was probably a racoon or possibly a coyote, having been amused by their howling concert at sunset.  I was confused, however, since the sounds normally would have been expected to be different from the type of rustling I heard.  the thought of someone (human) walking through the woods at 12:30 am seemed paranoid.  I listened as it approached the tent, waitng to see if I was going to have to scare it off, when probably ten feet away it cut loose with the most fearsome unhuman sounds I have ever heard in my life.  if I hadn't been there with my 7 year old son, I might have been the one to have been scared away.  instead, I froze in my sleeping bag in silence, and soon heard it moving away.  I described this occurence to many friends and family for years without any possible ideas about what it could have been.  finally, I had someone tell me it could have been a bobcat.  I gratefully accepted this explanation for many years, comforted in the knowledge that the wild insane sounds were made by an over-sized pussy cat.  until tonight.!!!?!!!  the discovery channel aired a bigfoot investigation program.  when they played the only known recording of a bigfoot, my blood ran cold and a chill went down my spine.  THAT WAS THE SOUND I HEARD I THAT NIGHT SO MANY YEARS AGO!!!!  there was no doubt about it!!!  the "call" echoed through the woods and ravines and then was silent.  very, very, strange!!!!!

Activities of Witness: just left the campfire and crawled into the sleeping bag, but was definetly awake!!

Description of Creature:  N/A

Other Notes:    I do not live in this area, but found your site trying to find out.

Additional Notes or Comments:   none, except that if it hadn't happened to me, I would have never believed it.  I may have to consider being more open minded about such reports

Report Posted to the G.C.B.R.O. web site by:  Rick Tullos

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