From the Files of the
Gulf Coast BigFoot Research Organization

Reported by: Confidential

Report Received From: The GCBRO Online Report Submission Form.
Report Posted To GCBRO Web Site OnJanuary 1, 2007

DATE:    January 1, 1980 

TIME:     3:00 AM 

LOCATION:   St. Mary Parish, Louisiana, at an Abandoned Sugar Mill

TERRAIN:    Sugarcane fields, mixed farmland, thickets and swamp 

OBSERVED:    The witness is a Sheriff's Deputy who was assigned to investigate a complaint of strange screams which were coming from an abandoned sugar mill in lower St. Mary Parish. Residents of a small settlement located adjacent to the mill property, complained of hearing very loud and horrible screams coming from the property in the early morning hours. They contacted the Sheriff's Department and deputies investigated the reports by searching the property, and finding nothing and no one! Several nights during the week, residents of the small settlement again complained of loud screams coming from the property and that it sounded like someone was being murdered or beaten to death. Again deputies se arched the area and found nothing out of the ordinary! On this evening, the Sheriff's Department again received several calls this time, of strange screams coming from the property. The witness was assigned and arrived shortly after the complaint was filed. His nearest backup unit was an estimated twenty minutes away. The residents, were Vietnamese families which were relocated to this area after they fled Vietnam! In broken english, they described horrible screams which would last for several seconds, echo throughout the early morning hours. These screams seemed to come from the large brisk building on the mill property. The witness stated that he proceeded to the mill property where he was preparing to search a large brick building roughly 10,000 square feet in size. In order to enter the building he had to force open and very large iron door and shove it open. Making his entry, he used his flashlight to illuminate portions of the room, which he described as being a large op en room with various doors leading to rooms and one large door that closed the incinerator where the cane was burned. As he started to move forward, he described in his words as being BLASTED with the smell of urine. He stated he coughed and muttered something out loud, commenting on the terrible smell. It was then that he described the most intense sound that he has ever heard in his life, come from the incinerator of the building. The scream was so loud and so long that he fell back onto the cement dropping his light. He stated that he heard whatever it was, moving through the dark building away from him. He was shoving himself along the floor towards his light, and drawing his service weapon which was a .357 mag. Not being able to move, much less move forward he retreated outside and ran to his unit where he left the area. He stated that he reported nothing located, but was scared that he would be fired for making up such a tale. After riding around in the populated areas, he decided to tell others of his encounter. Having weathered their abuse, he soon convinced everyone at shift change, to go back to the property and search it again. Some seven or eight deputies arrived and entered the building. The urine smell was still intense, and the other deputies soon started to believe his story. As they checked the incinerator where the scream came from and he had heard something moving out the door and away from him, they found hundreds and hundreds of envelopes and boxes, piled up to form what he called a NEST! He said you could tell that something had been laying in the nest, and that it was approximately 9 ft in length! Now on full alert and in daylight, the deputies continued to search the property, finding that the building had a large hole in the bricks towards the rear of the property, which lead to the woods and swamp line! Not finding anything else, the witness stated that he and the others deputies, figured that what ever it was had gained en try into the building through the hole in the bricks which was five or six feet in diameter. The hole was natural looking as it appeared that the bricks had fallen away over the years. The residents reported that the screams stopped after that night!

Activities of Witness:   Sheriff's Deputy responding to a complaint filed by area residents, after hearing terrible screams coming from the property. 

Description of Creature:  No visual sighting

Other Notes:    The witness is retired now and is an avid hunter and fisherman. To this day, he refusing to go back to that area to hunt and fish! He also provided names of other deputies that were with him, and other strange things that could not be explained on the property during that time period!

Other (Informational or Encounter History in the General Area) Notes:    Several nights, on going screams could be heard coming from the property by several different witnesses.

Additional Notes and or Follow up Comments N/A

Report Posted to the G.C.B.R.O. web site by:  GCBRO Web master



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