From the Files of

  Reported  by Confidential

RECEIVED: From the G.C.B.R.O. Web Site Submission Form

DATE:  1985-86

TIME:   Not Given

LOCATION:   Union Parish,  West Sterlington, Louisiana

TERRAIN:  Gas pipeline road in woods

OBSERVED:   Me and my brother were hiking  in the woods and came out to the
pipeline road.  we had our dogs with us as always.  we had walked
a good ways down the road when we found on the side of the road
next to the woods where something had just used the forest.   it was
the bigest pile of dung that we had ever seen @ it FRESH.  we have both seen cows, horses, and even where deer have been, but this was too
large.  leading away from this was a trail of fresh intestines.   they
laying in a perfect trail it was so much it looked like where
something walking and gutting a deer at the same time.  there was
no sign of anything being dragged.  there were no tracks of any kind.
the ground was hard gravel. we still should have been able to tell if anything was dragged across the ground.

it's like something was carrying that deer. we followed the trail of guts
where it led  up into a huge thicket.  there was the worst smell
coming from the thicket.i have never smelled anything like that was worse than a dead animal smell,and we have both smelled a lot of dead animals before as we both love to hunt.  we almost threw up the smell was so bad @ our dogs would not attempt to approach the thicket.  we foolishly covered our nose @
mouth and walked up to the thicket to try and see what was in there something big in the thicket groweled a low warning, as if to say "GO AWAY"  it was almost like a dog butsounded a lot bigger @ louder.  we left very quickly.  the whole time feeling like something was watching us.  the feeling didn't go away until we got home.

ACTIVITIES OF WITNESS(ES):     Hiking in woods

DESCRIPTION OF CREATURE:    Didn't see it just heard it growl.



OTHER SIGHTINGS IN THIS AREA?:   yes to many to list at once. and are still going on.

Report taken and Posted to the G.C.B.R.O. web site by Mary Green

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