From the Files of the
Gulf Coast BigFoot Research Organization

Reported by: Confidential

Report Received From: The GCBRO Online Report Submission Form.
Report Posted To GCBRO Web Site On  June 1, 2010

DATE:    5/17/10 

TIME:     8:30 pm 

LOCATION:   Somerset County, Maine 

TERRAIN:    Swampy, woody, fields 

OBSERVED:    I was outside fishing down to the brook an figrd i better go back to the house. but when i went inside my uncle said "hey mary ran away can u go yell for marry? (the dog) so i went out to the woods line and started yelling every thing i could think of for to her to come back and then i thought i should probably go into the woods to look for her an so i did an i probably got about 50 feet in to the woods an so i looked up and stared yelling her name an when i looked to my right i saw a huge black musky smelling thing about 10 feet away with big yellowish red kinda orange, with long arms  with what looked alot like hands, an long hair probably 2 inches long and was wide probably 2 an a half feet wide was on its knees first looking at the ground then looking straight at me with a weird smile like it was trying to tell me it was going to attack me, an that's when i ran back to the house as fast as i could and went inside and my uncle said "what's a mater" then i said "idk but i just saw something big!! and didn't look anything like a bear. so we went back outside to look for the dog and to see what i saw an there was nothing but a tree were i saw it but the tree was smaller than the thing i saw and there wasn't any branches for tall plants were i saw it and my uncle asked me were i saw it and i said beside that pole so we went an looked and he said u now what isaiah it looks like its been busy out back here an i said ya and i haven't seen alot of deer or anything around at all. 

Activities of Witness:   sitting at the kitchen table 

Description of Creature:  big, black, hair yellowish red orange kinda with a little brown or black

Other Notes:    N/A

Other (Informational or Encounter History in the General Area) Notes:    N/A

Additional Notes and or Follow up Comments N/A

Report Posted to the G.C.B.R.O. web site by:  GCBRO Web master

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