From the Files of the
Gulf Coast BigFoot Research Organization

Reported by: Confidential

Report Received From: The GCBRO Online Report Submission Form.
Report Posted To GCBRO Web Site OnFebruary 1, 2007

DATE:    September 9, 2006 

TIME:     Approx. 6:30-7:00 pm 

LOCATION:   Mackinac County, Michigan 

TERRAIN:    Densely wooded with some swampy lowlands and an occasional clearing.  

OBSERVED:    We had returned to the area of our last encounter (April, 2006). Again, there were four of us. Myself 39, my cousin 41(he was the one who submitted our first report), his son 14, and nephew 15. We wanted to see more evidence of Bigfoot as we had this past April. We had one day to see what we could find. Our search began about 10 a.m. We had aerial photos and topographical maps of the area that we were using to pinpoint the area we were trying to find earlier this spring. We were trying to find an old abandoned house mentioned in a report from 1984, when we had our experiences in April. As we continued our search of the old railroad grade, we drove all of the logging roads and on the grade itself as far as conditions permitted. Then we went out on foot. The railroad grade headed into some densely wooded areas.  We hiked west from the truck about a half mile when we found some reddish-brown hair at the edge of the trail. None of us had ever seen hair of that texture before. It was fine-textured, about 4 inches long. We photographed this hair and my cousin tucked it away in his pocket with the intention of taking it somewhere to be analyzed. (Upon returning home he tried to pull the hair sample out of his pocket, but the hair had worked its way into the fibers of his pocket.) After another half mile or so, we came to a river. This river has many branches, and eventually flows into the Tahquamenon River. By this time, the old railroad bridges had been removed, so we couldn’t cross. We then hiked back to the truck. We looked at our maps and photos and found a trail that would lead us back to this branch of the river. We drove in as far as we could, then again set out on foot. We saw nothing of the old house in the 1984 report by the time we reached the river. We headed into town for a late lunch, and then returned to resume our search. We had just a few hours before dark. If we were going to see anything, it would have to be now. We had our search area narrowed down to a two-mile stretch of the railroad grade. We set out and hiked a few hundred yards, and once again encountered another branch of the river. Two of us scrambled across the river on a log, It was rough going and swampy on both sides of the river. We were faced with two options: we could either split up and the two of us who had crossed the river could venture further east as daytime allowed, or we could call it a day and try again next trip. We decided to split up. My young cousin and I would hike east for about twenty minutes, and turn around so we would be back at the truck before dark. The railroad grade was overgrown with pines that were about 3-4” in diameter, and grew very closely together, making for thick cover. We cleared the thick pines, and were back on a clear path. On a couple of occasions, we went off the trail to see what we could, with no success. We did manage to make plenty of noise. As we continued, we started noticing tire tracks. There was an access to this trail from another source, but the trail did not appear to be well-traveled. As we neared the twenty-minute mark, we came out on a clearing, just a little farther and we might see the house from the ‘80’s report. This did not appear to be the case. We turned around and headed back; this was when things got interesting (scary!) As we headed back, we heard something crashing through the brush, seeming to almost to parallel our path, but in the underbrush. I turned to my cousin and whispered, “What direction did that come from?” His eyes were open VERY wide as he pointed off into the brush to our south. Well, there’s something out there, but we can’t see it. We started to walk again, and the noise started up again. Judging from the time between hearing each footfall in the brush, I would say this thing was taking much larger strides than mine. Then, years of band and military marching had me trying to match strides with whatever was out there, impossible for me to do. As we walked, we could hear the “Crash-Crash” steps of our uninvited guest. Twice, we stopped abruptly. Each time we did this creature would take two steps, and then stop itself. I then started talking loudly (and needless to say walking very fast!). Dusk was settling in as we hit the thick pines on the grade by the river. To verify our location, I then let out a shrill whistle to see if my cousin would reply, verifying that we were heading in the right direction. I got that reply, and we got to the river and joined the rest of our group. While we were away, my cousin and his son had something exciting going on where they were, on the west side of the river. I will let him finish the report in his own words: While the two had crossed the Hendrie my son stayed at the crossing point of the river and I walked a radius of maybe 50 yds. I circled up behind my son and ended up on a small ridge over looking my son and the river. I was walking slow trying to make as little noise as possible. From this vantage point I could see across the river farther but still only about 50yds. I could see my son leaning against a tree near the river and I could tell by his body language he was a little nervous. Just when I was about to head back down the ridge and circle back, I heard a sound across the river just into the brush. It was a growling type sound but it wasn’t a deep sound it was a higher pitch type of sound. This sound made the hair on the back of my neck stand on end. I heard this sound one more time but I could not see a thing across the river where it was coming from. I quickly circled back to my son’s position. To his credit he was completely quite and still, as I approached my son I felt that maybe the guys that had crossed the river were on the other side messing with us by making the noises we had just heard, but it was at this point they had whistled to figure out where the crossing point of the river was and they were 100 yds north of where the sounds came from. I whistled back and soon the guys were crossing the river and we quietly hiked back to the truck. We compared what had happened to both groups and it seems that these higher pitched growling noises that we heard on our side of the river happened at the same time they were quickly tromping it out due to hearing something large following them. Needless to say, I had a late night just trying to figure out or better yet speculate what had happened that evening. I was really wishing I and my cousin had taken more vacation and made this trip longer. I have heard a lot of animal noises in the woods the one I heard was nothing I have heard before , a haunting eerie feeling comes over me when I speak of it , goose bumps appeared on my arms when I think of that moment.

Activities of Witness:   We were in that area specifically looking for Bigfoot or any evidence suggesting its presence in the area. 

Description of Creature:  The creature was not seen, but heard. Something very large was following us parallel to our path, and to the immediate south. The footsteps heard were made by something walking on two legs. The distance (time) between each footfall suggested something with a much longer stride than mine.

Other Notes:    We do plan to return to the area and once again resume our search. We plan on submitting photos of evidence seen on our searches.

Other (Informational or Encounter History in the General Area) Notes:    See Mackinac County reports from April 2006 (ours), and 1984 report. 

Additional Notes and or Follow up Comments Upon contact, the witness sent in these two photos of the hair samples they found, and also one of the tree that was snapped over at approximately the 8 ft. level.


Notice in the center of the picture, the pine tree snapped off at approx. 8ft.  To the right, are two
trees my cousin's son and nephew pushed over as mentioned in the report.

Report Posted to the G.C.B.R.O. web site by:  GCBRO Web master



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