From the Files of the
Gulf Coast BigFoot Research Organization

Reported by: Confidential

Report Received From: The GCBRO Online Report Submission Form.
Report Posted To GCBRO Web Site On:   July 1, 2006

DATE:    September 2005

TIME:     N/A 

LOCATION:   Dent County, Missouri 


OBSERVED:     I had a cow with pink eye i had been trying to get to the barn ( contageous....needed a shot.....hard to deal with due to being blind in one eye) She was about a 350 pound steer . Everyday i would try to get her through the gate, don't run them too much while its hot.  ABOUT the third day I found her calf dead up against an electric fence. I couldn't believe that something had tore its hind leg off (  you could see that the ball socket was shattered and the flesh was torn). You cant imagine the force it would take to do this damage. I have drug dead cows with a tractor and hit and pulled big stumps right out of the ground and didn't pull the leg off.  Well I pulled this calf under the fence about 10 am or so .
I  knew this was odd and planned on watching the carcass after  sunset .  I had an sks assault rifle with a full banana clip.  I had a 3 cell mag light adjusted to pin point . About 10 pm I was scanning my perimeter looking for coyotes (always circle around you at night, they eat calf poop , high in protien).  Well anyway i got my light on this thing strolling up to the back hayfield fence to come into the bottom where i and the calf was ( low ground so i could open up  on the culprit ) It froze stock still and was blinded for at least 10 seconds while i was trying to determine what i was looking at. It didn't know what to do either i don't think , it was totally surprised . When the shock wore off i tried to keep it blinded and move west so i could shoot it (houses to the north). As i moved west it took off to the west and that was the last i seen it. I waited until around midnight and went home.
The next morning the 350 pound steer was gone.

Ok this thing was bipedal about 7 ft  400# , it was tan or buff , it had white or gray around its face (like a mane , long bushy fur ? ) had white in the chest area not as much hair on the face , wide flaring nostrils, big mouth . It resembled an african lion in the face in the light( just the head illuminated ).It had a mane.  We were within 50 yards at closest. I think it was here 2 years ago in the winter (had 2 yearlings with tails missing. not cold enough to freeze them off , One calf i gave a shot for scours , came back 2 hours later to make sure he was in the shade, and found him in this same field dead with his tail missing).

Activities of Witness:   Hunting the animal that was killing livestock. 

Description of Creature:  Ok this thing was bipedal about 7 ft  400# , it was tan or buff , it had white or gray around its face (like a mane , long bushy fur ? ) had white in the chest area not as much hair on the face , wide flaring nostrils, big mouth . It resembled an african lion in the face in the light( just the head illuminated ).  It had a mane.

Other Notes:    N/A

Other (Informational or Encounter History in the General Area) Notes:    N/A

Additional Notes and or Follow up Comments N/A

Report Posted to the G.C.B.R.O. web site by:  GCBRO Web master



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