From the Files of the
Gulf Coast BigFoot Research Organization

Reported by: Confidential

Report Received From: The GCBRO Online Report Submission Form.

Report Posted To GCBRO Web Site On May 3, 2005

DATE:    April 17, 2005

TIME:     7:30 pm

LOCATION:   Greene County, Missouri

TERRAIN:    Wooded

OBSERVED:    I was walking along a gravel road with my girlfriend and her kids when we came to a large clearing which had a playground as well as a large pavillon on it.  I saw a sign that said something like xxxx xxxxx on it and directly on the other side of the sign was a footprint..A footprint that I guessed was about  14 inches long by 4-6 inches wide with 4 toes.  I then told my girlfriend and her kids that we should head back up the road to the car not telling them why other than it was getting my gf daughter was running up the road ahead of us something caught my attention off to my left about a half of a mile out into the woods.  A first I thought it was an old dead tree until it started moving along and towards the same direction my girlfriend's daughter was moving.  I then ran and caught up to her...we all got back to the car got into it and left.
My girlfriend and her kids had no idea what I was seeing and i did not tell them due to the fact that I did not want to frighten any of them.

Activities of Witness:   Walking along a nature area.

Description of Creature:  I couldn't notice too much of the creature that i saw due to it being off in the woods about a half of a mile but my guess is that it was between 6 and 7 feet which should put it at around 400 pounds or more...i will go back to this area cause there are some awesome trails as well as a few caves within the park.

Other Notes of Possible Interest: Any other time i have went to this beautiful park there has been an
abundance of wildlife there...plenty of birds...squirrels..rabbits...making the noises they always tend to make.  But on this day there were no sounds.just an eerie silence.  I am a 36 year old man that is not frightened of too much..but the hair on the back of my neck as well as my arms were standing straight up that day...

Like I said earlier..there are quite a few well as caves and a pond/small lake area that is fed by a spring that  would provide shelter as well as a source of water for whatever it is that may be out there.

Near Willard, MO. there was a sighting a few years ago.

Additional Notes and or Follow up Comments Upon contact the witness had no additional information to add to this report other than to confirm it was a legitimate report.

Report Posted to the G.C.B.R.O. web site by:  GCBRO Web master

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