From the Files of the
Gulf Coast BigFoot Research Organization

Reported by: Confidential

Report Received From: The GCBRO Online Report Submission Form.

Report Posted To GCBRO Web Site On:  September 21, 2014

DATE:    10/5/2011 

TIME:     6pm-4am 

LOCATION:   Lamar County, Mississippi 

TERRAIN:    Wooded 

OBSERVED:    First we heard knocking on what.  Sounded like a hollow tree.Then we heard growling.and grunts. We could hear limbs breaking.

Additional Things:    The crickets stopped chirping. All you could here was the knocking and grunts.   

Activities of Witness:   We were in our backyard with a bonfire.  We heard something knocking on a tree..we sat and listen for awhile.
Then the grunts started.  Then we heard the limbs breaking  My husband saw a shadow at edge of the woods. Maybe 150ft.from us.  we went in the house. It came on up in the Yard it walked across the yard to the woods on the other side. It stayed around til around 4am and it disappeared.  We saw the next morning where it had dragged it's left foot.. 

Description of Creature:  It was around 7 to 8ft.tall had reddish brown hair all over its body. It had long arms and it dragged its left foot.  It was one scary looking creature.

Other Notes:    N/Found markings on trees that was to high up to be from a regular sized animal sometimes you would smell a sour musky scent and it smelled horrible we would find small dead animals laying around in different places our dog wouldn't come outside unless we was with her. 

Other (Informational or Encounter History in the General Area) Notes:    A few nights later we heard a dog yelp like it was in a fight with something. There is a old gravel pit behind the house back in the woods. We walked down there the next day and found a big dog all torn up..the next night we heard a cat screaming we found him the next day ripped husband went to the gravel pit a few days later he said he felt as if something was watching him. Then he heard something walking in the woods but he couldn't see anything. It walked when he did and stopped when he did. We continued to hear the knocking and the feeling you was being watched for about two weeks. Then some loggers came in and clear.cut most of the woods there.shortly after that we moved. 

Additional Notes and or Follow up Comments N/A

Report Posted to the G.C.B.R.O. web site by:  GCBRO Web master

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