From the Files of the
Gulf Coast BigFoot Research Organization

Reported by: Confidential

Report Received From: The GCBRO Online Report Submission Form.

Report Posted To GCBRO Web Site On May 3, 2005

DATE:    August 7, 2002

TIME:     Around 1:00 pm

LOCATION:   Cherokee County, North Carolina

TERRAIN:    Cleared pastures, Wooded Mountains with a Stream 

OBSERVED:  My brother and I was looking for gold and arrow heads in and around the stream located behind Bubba's house and barn.

Note: Bubba is being used by the witness in place of a real name, to protect the identity of the owner and the property in this report.

We had been in the area for several weeks. On this day we had finished lunch and had just started to get back into the grove of things. I had bent over to get some stones and I happened to see a movement out of the corner of my eye. I stood up and looked towards the lower end of the pastor where we crossed the stream and I saw a large looking man or creature standing in the middle of the stream looking towards us. Then it took a couple of steps and was out of the stream and
into the woods.

Note: the stream is about twenty feet wide at that area and on the upper side where it went into the woods is a deep hole.

The creature or man took ten or twelve feet in two steps. This creature or man looked tall, as to how much is hard to tell what with the distance from us ti him, he was black and looked as if he had hair like  a bear and he walked on two legs. His arms hung down like ours and swung from front to rear as he took those steps. I could not tell what type of hands he had. I use the word "he", as I feel it was a male, but I could be wrong.

After he went into the woods I glanced at my brother who was standing up in the bed of our truck and he shook his head to inform me he had saw it too. Now the creature or man didn't stay there, but for a thought, but to me it felt like a few minutes. My brother got down from the truck and we discussed what had just  took place. Our first feeling was someone was trying to scare us and was pulling a gag. Then the word "Bigfoot" came up and we right away dismissed that as we said all of the "Bigfoots" were in Washington State and that area and plus we had never in our born days ever heard of a "Bigfoot" being seen or a hairy creature or tall man walking or running around the mountains in our area. While we were standing there talking all of a sudden we smelled a smell that stunk worse than a wet skunk that had  been run over by a truck and all of it's smell sack had been mashed out. Then we started to hear a bleating sound. My brother XXXX asked me what is making that sound. It would make that bleating sound every minute or two. We named off several things what we wanted to say it was, but in the end we settled on a "Fawn Deer", because we knew that deer was in the area. From where we was standing the distance to the woods across the stream was about seventy-five yards. After awhile the smell kept getting stronger and stronger. A smell like the fur on a old hound dog who had come in out of a rain storm and had just shook himself off. Then we started to hear movement in the woods higher up and when bushes shook or a limb or peace of wood broke or snapped the "fawn" would bleat louder, faster and longer. After about several minutes, it could have been a long time as it seemed time stood still while we were looking and listening. I just don't want to put a time amount and be wrong,  then I would be telling you all a lie. The same goes for distance and time in all I say. we didn't have a ruler nor did we look at a watch. The reason I said it started at 1300hrs or 1:00pm is we usually ate lunch and fished between 12:00-1:00pm each day.

As we were standing there, all of a sudden we heard something hit the woods near the water, close to where we had heard the bleeping sound. It sounded like a large rock or big piece of wood. When it hit the "fawn"  started to bleating and wouldn't stop. It was like it had gotten so scared it could or would not stop. We felt later as we talked about it, maybe the little "fawn" if that was what it was had got so scared it started hollering for it's mother and wanted her to get to it fast.
While it was hollering we heard something start to crash through the woods or should I say Laurel
Thickets. There was cracking and popping for several minutes, again it could have been longer, and then it stopped as did the bleating. Then we heard like something was taking it's time going through the thicket. The sounds of the limbs breaking sounded like high powered rifles going off. Then all of a sudden the "fawn" started again and then it sounded like something had gotten  hold of it and it was trying to get away. then right in the middle of a bleat it sounded like something broke the neck or bones of it and then it was quite!
We never heard anything for awhile, but we sure smelled that smell. When this was going on, if you can picture in your mind, we were standing looking across the stream. On our left was the road that came down and across the stream and Bubba's home and barn. On our right was the lower end of the pasture and the road that ran through the pastures and crossed the stream going onto several other pastures and woods. It was at this end where we saw the creature or man.
After awhile of silence we noticed the smell had started to get weak and then we heard what sounded like the creature many, many yards away from us going towards the ways it had went into the woods. We had never even heard it go. It's movement was so silent that it freaked us out. Made the little hairs on our neck and arms stand up like we had been near a lighten strike. My brother said it seemed it moved away from us and then it wanted us to hear it and know where it was and had gotten to. Then just like it happened it was over. we never seen it again. We did on other times smelled that smell. It felt like it was just watching us. We never went into the woods to look for it, nor did we try to find footprints or anything. We had a rifle with us that we kept for snakes or if a bear, human or "something" tried to harm us, then we could protect ourselves! The next day we had a rifle for both of us.  However we never walked around like Rambo and we never shot up in the air or into the woods and we never hollered, shouted or beat our chest's! We just went along like we always did, but we did keep our eyes and ears open more and observed more.

Activities of Witness:   My brother and I were just getting started back looking for gold and arrow heads after lunch.
-We were rested and full and a little sleepy after eating and the sun making us warm.
-This feeling of being a little sleepy or sluggish could have slowed our senses making it harder to focus on what was going on or seeing at first.
-After it crossed the stream and the smell hit us, the hair on the back of our necks and arms stood up as if we had been near a electrical storm, but what it was we got scared.
- My brother, XXXX, was on the back of the pickup truck doing something.
- I was on the ground bent over looking through a pile of rocks. It was at this time I saw a movement out of my right eye.

Description of Creature:  From where we was at, all I could see was:
 -Very agile moved with a grace like walk when crossing the stream and in those two steps.
 -Smell and odor was very strong.  Hard to describe what it was like!

Other Notes of Possible Interest: To be honest with you all, you all makes about the second or third
person I or we have told this story too.
-We have heard stories of others refusing to hunt or fish that area again.
-One man was fishing and he had fished that area ever since he was a boy. He said on that day, while he was at one of his favorite holes and had caught a couple of fish, he started to notice a strange smell. He said it was almost over powering. Almost made him gag. He said as he stood there looking around for the
source, he started to get a feeling that he was being watched. He said he felt like a piece of fresh meat that was being looked at for eating. He said when the hairs on his neck stood up, he decided to leave. he said that he got his gear ready and left. He said "I even left the fish laying on the ground, hoping that was what, what ever it was wanted." He said as he was going through the woods to get back onto the old trail that Bubba used to drive his tractor down or used by the cattle moving from pasture to pasture he felt someone or something was following him. When he would stop it would stop and when he would go it would go. He said when he got onto the trail what ever had been following him must have stopped, because as the further away from the place he got, the less he smell that odor. He said he started to laugh at himself and say what a coward he was being afraid of little sounds and his own shadow. So he decided to fish some more. He said that he thought about returning for those two fish, but he said he only thought about it for a second and quickly decided against going back. He said that he had fished several holes and
was nearing the area we were at that day, when his hairs popped up again and that smell returned. He said this time it sounded like something was running through the grass after him. He said that he took off, trying not to run, but walking fast and afraid to look behind him. He said the smell once again got real strong and as he was almost to Bubbas house he heard something splash in the water. He said after he got to the gate at the top of the road, he turned and looked, but never saw anything so he says. He said that there was no way he was ever going back to that area fishing or hunting, in a tank or with several hundred armed people. My brother and I both felt that he knew more and saw more than he wanted us to know! We never pushed him and to this day we have never heard anyone say that so and so saw this or that at Bubba's. It's like no one wishes to talk about it, plus as I said earlier when you try and tell others about something like this, you are made fun of and then talked about. This is why things are not spoken about.

-Another person had about the same experience and said he would never go into that area walking to fish or hunt. He would drive down and back and would have someone with him to watch his back as he fished and would have a weapon with him, ready to use. Again not a lot told and this person is Bubba's son and had been all over those mountains and stream growing up.

-Another person was deer hunting and was in a tree stand when that smell hit him. Then a big buck ran right by his stand, but was moving too fast to get a shot at and then he said about three doe' ran the same way the buck had run earlier. He said that over the other side of the hill from where he was sitting he heard something tearing through the woods. He said it sounded big what ever it was. He said he thought it was more deer running. He said as quickly as all heck was breaking out, it got real quite. He said nothing was moving, no birds chirping, no nothing. He said he believe he could have heard a pin drop if he had one, as it was so quite. He said all of a sudden that smell got real strong and he felt like someone or something was watching him. He said he told himself I'm up here high in this stand and got a 6 mm and
plenty of ammo, so nothing can get to me. He said the longer he sat there , the more scared he got. He said it was starting to get dark as he had set up near dusk. He said he had made up his mind to stay up there all night or until someone came to see if he was OK, when all of a sudden the smell started to go away. He said when it he could no longer  smell it, he climbed down and took off towards Bubba's, crossing the railroad and walking the main highway. He said after he had gotten home and bathed and
ate, he started to relive all that had happened and suddenly started to shake.  he said if something had wanted to harm him, all they needed to do was pull the legs out from under the stand and he would have hit the ground and what if something had ambushed him going out? He said he made up his mind right then and  there he would not hunt there again.

Again we both felt less was told than what was seen.
Again folks are just afraid to talk about something unless many others had come forth telling the same story. My brother and I both have refused to tell others. The only way we have heard these stories is because we approached them. We would ask how was the fishing or hunting or if they had found any
arrowheads or gold. Then we would slowly sneak it in to see if they had seen or heard anything unusual or unusual smell???? That would bring about a hard look and then a smile and after the ice was broke we
would tell what happened to us and they would tell us what happened to them. It was this way we found the other two.

You know to sum this all up; -I was in the Army for almost fifteen years until I was injured and was retired. I had saw, did and been in areas and places that others never knew about or had done. I felt I could take care of myself if need be as I am a big man as is the same with my brother. However this
experience shook me down to my bones. To hear what we heard, the way the creature went through those Laurel Thickets and the sound of what ever was making that bleating sound and the way it was topped from making a sound at all and then that smell! I can still today smell it. Then to hear others tell of about the same things, especially the smell. The smell is what stands the most. Also after talking we have come to a agreement and we feel this creature is very smart. It  can think just like us. A animal can't do this, even though there are many very smart animals out there. I guess the most thing that impressed me was the fact it never tried to harm anyone. I think it was curious of us as we are of it. Now if we had shot at it, hollered and acted hostile towards it, there isn't no telling what it might have done. Also Bubba has had a lot of cattle for thirty years or more and nothing has ever harmed any of those. Deer and turkeys have started to repopulate our area again as has black bear and wild hogs. I believe that through out our great nation there are many areas and lands that have never been explored and living in those area's are creatures that we have never seen or come into contact with. Now that this nation is growing more and the children or grandchildren of their parents or grandparents are selling off land that have been in their family a long time and those who buy these lands are developing them and building homes. This is slowly starting to get close to the creatures we haven't seen before and they are coming out to see what is going on.

Additional Notes and or Follow up Comments Upon contact the witness had no additional information to add to this report other than to confirm it was a legitimate report.

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