From the Files of the
Gulf Coast BigFoot Research Organization

Reported by: Confidential

Report Received From: The GCBRO Online Report Submission Form.

Report Posted To GCBRO Web Site OnDecember 01, 2015

DATE:    1990's

Saturday Evening

LOCATION:   Coos County, New Hampshire  

TERRAIN:    Wooded, National Forest 

  was camping with my 3 other friends, all girls, in a camper, on the back of my pickup truck.  4 of us girls had a great day, but, seemed to have this awful feeling that we were being watched all day long. so, about 9:00 that evening, we were all tired, sober, and absolutely no drugs on the premises. no one did drugs.  so, my outside spot light, went out, because my generator ran out of gas.within 5 minutes, the camper started rocking violently back and forth, and almost off its wheels. I reached for my lever action rifle, and held on to it, to afraid to go outside, and too afraid to look out the window, with a flash light.  we , the 4 of us, were pure white, with being petrified. so, I asked the girls to listen for any scratch marks on the camper or truck, and there were none to be found that next morning.  but, the rocking of the truck, and silence was enough to scare the living shit out of all of us. I have never been that afraid in my whole life or since.  after about another  5 minutes, the rocking stopped, and there was silence out there, as there were absolutely no noises during the whole thing.  the truck and camper would have taken at least 3 or 4 guys to rock it like it was rocking. believe me, it was a bigfoot.  that next am, I went outside with my .357 pistol, and took a look around. all the tall grass on all sides of the camper were patted down, and the tall grass was just laying flat. so, I am a direct result of what that was. I know my animals, and since that day, have become a bigfoot enthusiast.  I will purposely go back road riding now, looking for one, and I ask everybody what they have ever seen in the woods that they didn't know what they were looking at. if I had been smart, I would have had the game wardens, come up and check it out for hand prints on the side of the camper, and all around it.  needless to say, we made a good breakfast, and got the hell out of there early, and headed back home, which was like a 2 hour ride.  but,to this day, I believe it was a bigfoot, there was no huffing, or growling, and the coolers were out there, and they weren't touched, and nothing was moved. just the camper. sometimes I thought that it was gonna tip over !! that's how much strength this thing had. and I know what it was, a bigfoot, and I would bet my life on it. that's what was watching us all day long, as like I said, we all had that same feeling, and I was parked up next to the forest, and overlooking the whole field that I parked in. I wanted to be off the beaten path. as at the end of that road, there is long pond, and its full of trout, and people flock to it sometimes. better if you had a boat. but, a bigfoot, I did run into, and no one will ever change my mind. I have had bears brush up against the side of my tents before, and even push on them, with my rifle handy, but the bears never bothered us. they would climb all over the place, and walk on our trucks, and jump off it. there is a big difference between a bear and a bigfoot, and that is what we ran into, and the girls all decided that they never wanted to go back there again camping.  my thoughts exactly !! so, we all left with a story to tell others. and it is so vivid in my mind that it seemed like yesterday when it happened.  so, that's an honest to goodness story, and I have not ever been back to that place again. I guess the bigfoot didn't find anything interesting there !!

Additional Things:
that next morning when I went outside, all around the whole truck and camper, the grass was all stomped down, and it left no hair or anything that I could retrieve as  something that I could bring home for truth , and send it to the dna lab somewhere, I would have found one. but, he appeared as clean as a whistle and he left the same way, knowing that he couldn't get a rise out of any one of us. the other girls were frozen in their beds, and were little to no help from me. as I at the time, had the gun, and I am a damn good shot too, so , I had no interest in shooting it, or any of that bull. it probably had more out in the woods waiting for this one to return. 

Activities of Witness:


Description of Creature:   no appearance, or details, as it left no marks, and just flat handed did what it had to do.

Other Notes:     already done.scarred the crap out of us 4. period. 

Other (Informational or Encounter History in the General Area) Notes:
one, never went back there !!! 

Additional Notes and or Follow up Comments N/A

Report Posted to the G.C.B.R.O. web site by:  GCBRO Web master

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