From the Files of the
Gulf Coast BigFoot Research Organization

Reported by: Confidential

Report Received From: The GCBRO Online Report Submission Form.
Report Posted To GCBRO Web Site OnFebruary 28, 2005

DATE:    January 2005

TIME:     about 2:00pm

LOCATION:   Hillsborough County, New Hampshire

TERRAIN:    Wooded

OBSERVED:    Walking to my car and only looked up to notice a movement in the woods. I thought a piletaed woodpecker dodged behind a tree but soon would peek around to see what startled the oddity begins..I noted that it was too far away to make that kind of  size...I barely caught a glimpse but my surprise was enhanced when I looked right, at the adjacent tree and saw something out of place. I looked at these woods all the time, every day as I work in a building there...and park my auto often anyway I look  and see...what the living ....? I am still baffled but I see that famous pointy head and then I stare more and anyway it looks like those classical photos of a sasquatch peeking from behind the tree idea only this was as if it tried  to make sure  the other was hid then tried to blend in...I knew I was in no danger but still was a little ways off...but anyone who has reasonably good eyes could see something not right in these posted woods.....I was very puzzled..this cannot be happening..but they are very unpredictable it seems.until i thought about it awhile...there is a deer trail here, and the woods had deer regularly seen but, lately, not in awhile, I guess we have  a very hungry pair here abouts?!

Activities of Witness:   Just going to my auto on break to be alone while at work.

Description of Creature:  Big pointy headed, dark shadow leaning out slightly from behind the tree, as if it realized it couldn't move was in the hardwood area of the mixed forest. It is about XX miles i think from XXXXXX, where other strange bigfoot activity has occurred near the base of that mountain...lots in fact.....from what I have seen and read about.....and heard (possibly)

Other Notes:    Strange calls in the early morning hours about 2-2:30 am......the strange  "yahoo-yahoo!"  just like that initially, that faded...and the strange '"Ah-AH-AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"; that was too high pitched for an owl. An that is outside where I live too! And i was waking up to hear it out there it was apparently answered, and i could hear it faintly....without the stuttering two noted "Ah-AH" before the longer straight smooth, "AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH"..sounds like a woman screaming without any gurgling, warbling or growling, but distinctly lasted but a minute before I could no longer hear it......I debated grabbing my firearm as I have read where they will-howevers rarely probably more  common in the south and west of the mississippi-try and enter a home....anyways I was apprehensive, alarmed somewhat....also way before this, as i never assumed they'd come close, but i know better now, is that there were footprints and noisy occurrence's about 2 1/2 -3 miles from here at the base of XXXXXXXX...and also on the other side of the mountain in XXXXXXX i understand, well, with me anyway .....and another incident or two i wasn't involved in.....on another web site bigfoot was apparently shot at by police in Troy, about 1978 and about 6 mile from here if that...maybe  alot closer...a friend told me then but i didn't believe him...until i saw it on another website....see back then I never believed bigfoot was anywheres but wwwaaayy out west or Arkansas-surprise!

My sister complained of strange noises after midnight bothering the dogs by their presence..then I learned that it was about every other night. This was terribly odd so near the end of summer i had  a look. Oh yes, footprints. But i told you this sometime s ago.....I saw male (huge) and female footprints and some very strange well as possible territorial markers....things began happening there after my sister had camped to realize there are areas of XXXXXX that are otherwise inaccessible including neighboring XXXXXX. Do I think bigfoot live s within the tree line of XXXXXX? Definitely but not necessarily certainly. See, XXXXXX is barely a mile or so away and hardly anyone goes there and it has very steep inclines...this whole area has very thick woods, and miles upon miles where no one would ever go...the classical northeast jungle.....

Additional Notes and or Follow up Comments Upon contact the witness had no additional information to add to this report.

Report Posted to the G.C.B.R.O. web site by:  GCBRO Web master

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