From the Files of

Reported by Confidential

RECEIVED FROM:  G.C.B.R.O. Online Submission Form

DATE:      1954

TIME:        Late Summer daytime

LOCATION:    Isthmus Slough South of Coos Bay, Coos County Oregon

TERRAIN:       Wooded

OBSERVED:  This happened to a co-worker of mine when he was a young boy. He's part Indian. He had gone with his older brother and their Aunt Ruth, a full blooded Coquille Indian, to pick blackberries along Isthmus Slough. They had barely started when his Aunt Ruth said," Pick up your pails boys. It's time to go."He started to protest that his pail was nowhere near full when she cut him off and repeated that they needed to go. He looked up to see her staring off with a worried look on her face. Looking where she was looking, he saw what he thought was a giant gorilla standing on a rise some distance away staring intently at them. It did not look friendly. His aunt grabbed him by the wrist and begin marching him back toward her car. His brother took off running for the car, tripped and gashed his arm on a rock leaving a scar which he bears to this day. As they were leaving my co-worker recalls looking out the back window of the car to see the BF, still on the rise and still watching
them as they drove off. Later their Uncle took the boys aside and explained to them what they had seen and told them not to talk about it at school as "The whites don't believe in it".

There's all kinds of reports in this state. I moved here in 1965 and heard my first story from a friend and classmate soon after. I didn't know what to make of it. He and later, his brother described their encounter with a 9 ft tall white haired ape. They were both deeply religous Baptists and not BSer's. Their mother later confirmed their encounter. Over the years I've asked friends, relatives, co-workers and people who work or play in the woods if they've ever had encounters, found prints or know of cases second hand. I've heard of literally dozens of encounters, print finds, etc.  I think BF encounters  are a lot more common here then is reported in the media. When I hear of one, I ask if it was reported to police, media,rangers or whatever.  Only once have I gotten an affirmative answer. In that case a ranger told several hunters that, "We don't like to deal with these things. The press gets involved and it gets out of hand. "Hell, there's even a rumor that a bunch of hippies on a remote commune back in the 70's, had 16 mm film of a BF eating a snickers bar. According to the rumor this thing was practically a pet. I heard this from two different sources,: one a BF researcher, the other an old log truck driver who claimed to have seen the film. Another ex-logger said that some logging companys have told their employees not to report sightings or print finds on pain of firing. Seems they are afraid that BF is proven as real, the Feds will lock up more forest as habitat, like they did for the spotted owl.



OTHER NOTES:    This is a second hand report and the GCBRO received this from our online submission form from a reliable source.  We cannot, however, say this is a true sighting report without talking to the eyewitnesses involved.  It is presented for your entertainment only.


Report submitted by Mary Green

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