From the files of

                                                               Submitted by Bobby Hamilton.
                                                                  Reported  by Confidential

REPORT RECEIVED: From the G.C.B.R.O. Web Site Submission Form

DATE:                   08/15/98

TIME:            N/A

LOCATION:      Near Birds Run, Ohio.
                   Near SR 83 and SR 93.
                   Muskingum County

TERRAIN:       Swampy

OBSERVED:  Tracks and hand prints.  Me and my co-worker were looking for big foot signs, since this area has had reports of some kind of bigfoot activity.

Due to what I have seen and what my co worker has seen, we have come to a few theories about bigfoot activity.  My co worker (his name is walter) believes that bigfoot at a younger age tend to use their hands on occasion to knuckle walk as a chimpanzee or gorilla would do, but not with as much frequency as apes.  As they mature they basically walk up right as is depicted on bigfoot sightings.  The younger bigfoots use just one hand to knuckle walk for support, the apes that we know, i.e., gorillas use all four to move around on.  I have seen prints of hands and feet and am basing my conclusion on the pictures I have taken.

I have a picture of a small bigfoot print and with that picture I have also taken the hand print.  I have pictures of larger more mature bigfoots and no hand prints. I may be able to spare a couple of pictures to you if you want to send me your address.

Activities of Witness:

Description of Creature:

Report taken and Posted to the G.C.B.R.O. web site by Bobby Hamilton

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