From the Files of the
Gulf Coast BigFoot Research Organization

Reported by: Confidential

REPORT RECEIVED FromThe GCBRO Online Report Submission Form.

DATE:    Summer 1999

TIME:     3:00 - 4:00 am

LOCATION:  Pennsylvania, Adams County

TERRAIN:    Wooded

OBSERVED:    I am very excited to finally read about someone else that has heard the very eerie and frankly frightening sound I have. I am just writing in to back up the report already filed by someone else. The sound was VERY loud and VERY strange. I have been camping and hiking the woods around this part of the country all my life and have NEVER before or since heard the sound I heard that night. Whatever made this cry or sound was only about 30-50 feet away from me. I heard it cry out 3 times while it was this close to my yard and then it started to move off toward an apple orchard that borders my property. When it started to move i heard it moving through heavy brush breaking large fallen branches. Whatever it was was pretty large by the sound of the brush and limbs it was breaking. I was about 20 years old at the time which makes this occurrence around 1999 and it was in the summer months. I lived at home with my parents and was concerned enough to wake them at around 3 in the morning to hear this sound coming from the woods, uncomfortably close to our house. My mother, my stepfather and I all heard this animal or whatever it was. Over the next hour I cracked the door every now and then to see if i could still hear it. I heard it way off in the distance until it must have gotten too far away to hear anymore. All of the dogs in the neighborhood were going crazy barking and howling. Again this sound was VERY loud and VERY scary. I heard it from inside my home with my headphones on. For the person that reported the article... It is nice to know that at least someone else other than my family heard the sound. I still have no idea what it could have been.

Activities of Witness:   N/A

Description of Creature:  N/A

Other Notes:    I have lived in the area for over 11 years and have never heard anything like it before or since.

Additional Notes or Comments I always have had a small camp set up in the woods behind my house. We have 2 acres of wooded land that borders more wooded land that turns into an apple orchard. That particular year the campsite I had set up was vandalized. My tent was broken and ripped and some empty beer bottles I had left back there were broken and scattered all over the place. Probably kids but you never know.

Report Posted to the G.C.B.R.O. web site by:  GCBRO Web master

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