From the Files of the
Gulf Coast BigFoot Research Organization

Reported by: Confidential

Report Received From: The GCBRO Online Report Submission Form.

DATE:    September 2002

TIME:     Around 4:30 am

LOCATION:   Pennsylvania, Indiana County

TERRAIN:    Wooded

OBSERVED:    Me and my cousin XXX was planning on hunting deer as he was off work. We drove to where we had scouted several times and found numerous deer sign. We had to walk about a mile to get to where our stands were set up. We got there and it was still dark out and since we only had one flash light XXX climbed into his stand so i could have the light to get into mine.

While i was navigating through the brush the wind shifted and i caught a whiff of what smelled like a dead skunk but just passed it off,  and i made it into my tree stand with no further problems. It wasn't until it was just light enough so you could make everything out,  a small buck came up the trail,  i stood up and drew my bow when the buck suddenly stopped and looked nervous.   I decided to wait, seeing as though it was the rut it might be a larger buck. That's when i smelled the thing and something moving behind some trees and when the deer started running off that thing gave a horrible cry and ran after it through the brush, i only caught a glimpse of a dark figure.

Activities of Witness:   Bow hunting

Description of Creature:  Large and stealthy

Other Notes:    XXX said he heard something in the brush

Additional Notes or Comments The witness responded to our inquiry to verify that this incident was legitimate.  They had nothing else to add to the report.

Report Posted to the G.C.B.R.O. web site by:  GCBRO Web master

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