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DATE:              07/15/02

TIME:            6:30 pm

LOCATION:    Nashville, Tennessee,  Interstate 40, Percy Priest Lake
                              Davidson County

TERRAIN:     Wooded, but moist, very close to the lake.

OBSERVED:  I was working in the woods biulding a shack when I heard a strange chirping, almost like a bird and noticed a strong odor similar to a deer,  very distinctive.  Then I heard a startling noise like a large limb breaking.  As soon as I looked all I could see of what appeared to be a large ape like thing run off through the woods and jumped into the water.  He went under and never came back up .

ACTIVITIES OF WITNESSES:   Building a shack in the woods.


OTHER NOTES:     I noticed  triangular formed trees throughout that area, either trees that were broken and or bent with other trees to make triangles.  There were like at least nine of them in that area which was not a very big area at all, maybe 30-40 yards or so. Just like a normal day at work.    I'm not sure what it was I saw, but I know I did not imagine it.

OTHER SIGHTINGS IN THIS AREA:     I have heard of other people claiming to have seen bigfoot around that area.

Report Submitted by Mary Green

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