From the Files of the
Gulf Coast BigFoot Research Organization

Reported by: Confidential

Report Received From: The GCBRO Online Report Submission Form.

DATE:    December 6, 2004

TIME:     6:00

LOCATION:   Hamblen County, Tennessee

TERRAIN:    Wooded

OBSERVED:    my wife went to the mailbox to get the paper and said  she heard a scream the sounded kinda like a human but she could
tell it was not human . we have had other stuff happen around here over the years also the kids do not want to wait on the schoolbus . one said they hear something in the woods in the morning and it is very close they want say what they hear or see. but now one of
us has to stand in the yard before they will even go to the road.

Activities of Witness:   she was going to the mailbox to get the paper. i was at work


Description of Creature:  N/A

Other Notes:    N/A

Additional Notes and or Follow up Comments Upon contact the witness had no additional information to add to this report.

Report Posted to the G.C.B.R.O. web site by:  GCBRO Web master

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