From the files of Randy Hutchings


 As Submitted to Mary Green by Randy Hutchings from his personal files.
 All witness information confidential.

DATE:   Mid 80's

LOCATION: Tennessee, Van Buren County

TERRAIN:  House with woods behind it

Witness reported that he was a senior in high school
when this happened,and was used to getting up early
due to the fact that he went to school in Warren
county,the county next to Van Buren...On this
particular morning the witness stated he had woken up
early and decided to simply lay in his bed until his
alarm went off...Witness then went on to state that he
saw "something big" pass in front of the window (he
believed it had to be something extremly big due to
the fact that his bedroom window was high off the
ground)...Curious he got up and looked out just in
time to see what he said "had to be Bigfoot or a
Werewolf or something" walking into the woods behind
his house...He related that his dogs (he said he and
his father owned many mountain curs over the years)
had always been trained never to bark except at
squirrels and raccoons,yet they all seemed eager to
bark at whatever this creature was that was walking
into the woods...He also went on to say that these
same dogs barked like this for a few weeks after this
incident,leading him to believe that whatever it was
was still in the area...

Report  Posted to the G.C.B.R.O. web site by Mary Green

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