From the Files of the
Gulf Coast BigFoot Research Organization

Reported by: Al Hicks

Report Received From: The Field Research Notes of GCBRO Researcher Al Hicks.

DATE:    July 10, 2004

TIME:     N/A

LOCATION:   Cherokee County, Texas

TERRAIN:    Wooded

OBSERVED:    I followed up on a couple of verbal reports I had gotten from the undisclosed area.

I had been told by an associate of a piece of land that he was looking at purchasing, and on two separate occasions, while visiting the land, he had unexplained events happen.

The first visit he made, he found some bamboo broken off at about the 8 to 10 foot level, without explanation.  Additionally, he found some large trails, and had an uneasy feeling of being watched intently.  On his second visit, a large animal crashed through the brush running away from him.

In July, with a back up partner, also a GCBRO member, I went to follow up on this information.

Upon arrival, behind a very run down old house, we found a bamboo thicket that had pretty much overtaken the area directly southeast and east of the house.  We observed some very large trails that ran through this thicket in a number of directions.  The dominant trail ran downhill into a ravine.  In the bamboo thicket we found several broken stalks of bamboo at various heights above the ground.  None of us could duplicate the breaks, as bamboo is extremely difficult to break while it is green and growing.

We then descended into the ravine and located a couple of tracks on the trail that were approximately 14 inches in length. Photo attached.

As we worked our way westward, along the bottom of the ravine, we could hear movement of a large animal off to our South.

We came back out of the ravine and stopped, the movement also stopped.  I attempted a tree knocking and got a response of two distinct whacks, from off to the southwest.  My partner stayed behind while we returned to where we had parked, to see if he could determine any movement from the animal to the south, but the animal did not move while the area was monitored.

This area is still under investigation as this general area is yielding more information as time goes on.

Activities of Witness:   N/A

Description of Creature:  N/A

Other Notes:    N/A

Additional Notes and or Follow up Comments N/A

Report Posted to the G.C.B.R.O. web site by:  GCBRO Web master

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