From the Files of the
Gulf Coast BigFoot Research Organization

Reported by: Confidential
Witness Information Available to GCBRO Researchers Only

REPORT RECEIVED From:The GCBRO Online Reports Submission page.

DATE:    01/10/03

TIME:     2:30 A.M.

LOCATION:   Virginia, Pittsylvannia County  

TERRAIN:   Wooded

OBSERVED:   Myself and another researcher were following an old trail leading into a wooded field. We were exploring an area of possible bigfoot activity. We were using a pair of 2,000,000 candle power spot lights when we went into this area. The trail is surrounded by thick forests. While going down the trail, there is a steep creek bed to the left. As we followed down the trail, sounds were heard behind us on the ridge above the woods. We followed the trail into the field area and saw nothing. We decided to head back up the trail. This time the creek bed was to the right. As we were going up the trail, a loud sound was heard behind us in the field, right before you reach the trail itself. We have both come to the conclusion that it was a loud high pitched threatening sound. It lasted for only a second but was repeated over and over for almost a minute. We reached the ridge and shined the spot lights into the creek bed and the other researcher, Zack Howell saw a shadow move out of the spot light range. We had stopped moving to scan the area so the shadow was moving on its own, not because of the spot light movement. We then made a hasty exit and passed by the horse pastures. As we did a loud sound resembling a rock being thrown on another rock was heard from behind in the creek bed area.

Activities of Witness: Following trail using spotlights to possibly sight the animal.

Description of Creature:

Other Notes:   Yes, I have found many tracks, and deer carcasses in the area.

Additional Notes or Comments:   N/A

Report Posted to the G.C.B.R.O. web site by:  Rick Tullos

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