From the Files of the
Gulf Coast BigFoot Research Organization

Reported by: Confidential

Report Received From: The GCBRO Online Report Submission Form.

DATE:    September 3, 2003

TIME:     Around 8:00pm

LOCATION:   Washington, Snohomish County

TERRAIN:    Wooded

OBSERVED:    This is an area my friends and I frequent for camping/hiking/etc.  This particular time myself and three others had decided to drive out there for a night.  We do this occasionally and are comfortable with the surroundings as they are generally safe.

  The campground is closed most of the time as it was now and it would be deserted.  I had come down early to claim our spot and was waiting for the others to arrive. I got out of my car to have a cigarette and to think of what to do next.  As I was leaning against my car I had a dull sense that something was watching me.

  I was parked at the end of the road near a gravel clearing. There was a large rock face directly in front of me and it stretched for quite a distance on either side.  Behind me was a campground with the river about 200 yards beyond.  I was almost done with my smoke when there was a large crash in the woods.

  I stood for a few seconds and listened, I could see the general area where the noise had come from.  Then something moved, whatever it was it was crouching down in the brush trying to hide.  It took a step towards me and started to stand as it did so.  I could tell right away it was massive and I was not willing to stick around to measure it.

  I dove into my car and tore out of there, making it to the highway very quickly.  I called my friends and tried to dissuade them from staying there that night.  They wouldn't turn around and go home but I sure as hell did.

Activities of Witness:   I was standing against the car and smoking a cigarette.

Description of Creature:  Dark brown or Black hair.  Tall 7-8 feet I would guess, judging from the trees near it at the time. (upon later inspection)  I could not make out it's features but I could see eyes thanks to the moonlight.  They were set wide apart on the head which was rather large too.

Other Notes:    In the past when I have been there I had the same sense of being watched and have heard noises early in the pre dawn periods.  It seemed to investigate our campsite on more than one occasion.  I have been camping in many other areas and had a similar experience with bears.

My closest friend who was out there that mentioned someone walking around outside the tents in the late hours of the night.

Additional Notes and or Follow up Comments Upon contact the witness had this to add.
I returned to the area about a week later heavily armed (severe comfort boost) and with two of my unwitting friends.  We decided to spend a day and a night about 1/2 mile North from where the encounter took place.  I was a little apprehensive but not really afraid; unless it had a similar attitude as some of the other reports I've read on your site.
The opportunity to examine the area of my first meeting arose and I went, alone, to see if I could turn something up.  There was no evidence that anything had been there, excluding the broken down bushes and limbs where I had noticed it the first time.  I returned to base and we went about preparing for the coming evening without being disturbed.
Sometime around 1:00 am the fire was still burning strong and one of my friends had retired for the night.  My other friend and I were having a few drinks and just enjoying the wilderness when I heard it.  I've listened to these screams online before and it still chilled my blood to experience it in person.  We sat close to the fire and just listened, a rather large river is close by and made it difficult to detect any subtle sound.  I heard a limb (or tree?) snapping in the distance and it screamed again, by this time we were utterly terrified and wondering what to do.
I quickly checked in on my sleeping friend who had passed out, and said he heard nothing after the fact.  By this time the other had found his spotlight and was shining it around wildly as we heard it scream a third time.  It sounded very, very close by, in the woods between us and the road.  I figured it would not be wise to shoot this thing (shotgun or no) and decided to fire into the air, my companion did the same.  This seemed to deter it as we could feel it moving quickly away from us and we stood rooted to the ground, but that was the end of it.  In the morning we searched the section of brush and found deep impressions in the mud but no actual footprints.  There were several broken saplings and trampled brush not more than 50' from where we had stood earlier that morning.
Neither I nor my friend got any sleep that night and you can imagine how the ride home went.  Needless to say we plan to go back soon!

Report Posted to the G.C.B.R.O. web site by:  GCBRO Web master

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