From the Files of

Reported by Confidential

RECEIVED FROM:  G.C.B.R.O. Online Submission Form

DATE:         30 years ago (1972)

TIME:               Dusk

LOCATION:    Boreham Village near Chelmsford in the county of Essex
                  in the United Kingdom

TERRAIN:         Wooded, small lake circled by woods a private fishing area,
                   in the typical English coutryside.

This was a story passed on to me by someone else, but they had been told about it.  Some one was preparing to fish through the night when at dusk a Pteradactyl type creature swooped across the lake.


DESCRIPTION OF CREATURE: Pteradactyl type creature


OTHER SIGHTINGS IN THIS AREA:   I do not know, this is the first time I have passed on this story in 30 years, because I thought some one taking me for a fool, but reading these other reports has made me decide to pass this on.  I now think that it may be true.

Report submitted by Mary Green

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