From the Files of the
Gulf Coast BigFoot Research Organization

Reported by: Confidential

Report Received From: The GCBRO Online Report Submission Form.

Report Posted To GCBRO Web Site On  February 1, 2011

DATE:    2006 

TIME:     Night-Time 

LOCATION:   Wayne County, Indiana 

TERRAIN:    Wooded 

OBSERVED:    This report is in regard to black "panther" large cats. Yes, they are found in WV. I personally know of two incidents. The most recent one happened about four years ago, I am unsure of the date, and the lady is my Mother's best friend, and her word is impeccable. The friend, lives near a state park. Her house sits very near the road. The year this happened was about 2006 and I believe it was summer. She was awakened by some type of "crying" and when she looked outside her window she observed a black panther type cat killing a fawn, the fawn was making horrible sounds. The big black cat had two cubs with her. When a car passed by, she could see the cat's eyes, she said they were a beautiful shade of green. The cats did not eat the deer but left it where it was killed in the yard. She called Wildlife management which picked up the deer and disposed of it. Was this simply a teaching lesson for the two cubs of the black panther? Is that why the deer wasn't eaten? Or the fact that it was so close to a road with passing traffic have something to do with it? It is unknown. The fact is that there are large black type panther cats seen often in WV. I have been told that neighbors have even seen this type of cat in our neighborhood. I personally have not seen it. The second one that I personally know about involved my Grandfather and my oldest brother. My brother was around five years old, this would have been in 1956. This happened very near to my Grandparents home. My Grandmother sold mail order products and my Grandfather walked around delivering the merchandise to her customers. My brother often accompanied my Grandfather as he was very close to him. One day they were returning from some deliveries, and my brother being an energetic little boy was running on ahead of my Grandfather. They had to cross a swinging bridge, before they could reach home. My brother was already on the bridge before my Grandfather stepped upon it. When my Grandfather did, he saw a large Black Panther type cat crouching and approaching my brother. My Grandfather ordered my brother to stop and began yelling and stomping his feet on the floorboards of the bridge, which scared off the black panther. It was an experience that my brother has never forgotten. By these accounts I know that black panther type cats have been in WV for more than fifty years! And no doubt much, much longer than that!

Activities of Witness:   One had been sleeping in her bedroom and was awakened, the other was walking outdoors in good weather. 

Description of Creature:  Black Panther Cats 

Other Notes:    N/A

Other (Informational or Encounter History in the General Area) Notes:    N/A

Additional Notes and or Follow up Comments N/A

Report Posted to the G.C.B.R.O. web site by:  GCBRO Web master

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