From the Files of the
Gulf Coast BigFoot Research Organization

Reported by: Confidential

Report Received From: The GCBRO Online Report Submission Form.
Report Posted To GCBRO Web Site On  November 1, 2007

DATE:    October 2007 

TIME:     Around 9:00 AM 

LOCATION:   Pulaski County, Arkansas 

TERRAIN:    Wooded, Hilly, Rocky, with Nearby Low Swampy area 

OBSERVED:    I was outside smoking this particular day, believing it was on a Saturday because my children were home that morning. I was listening to a wood on wood knocking coming from pretty deep into the woods in back of our mobile home. I could tell it was a good distance away, but was still quite loud. It most definitely was no woodpecker, and it sounded much like the "knocks" I have heard on different web sites depicting Bigfoot audio's. It lasted at least 5 or 6 minutes and it was rapid in sound. My daughter Xxxxx who is 7 came out and immediately asked what that noise was. Just a few seconds later a jet flew over, apparently just taking off from the Little Rock Airport, heading to Dallas. When the jet was gone and the sound subsided, the knocking had stopped and was never heard again. I have had a few experiences in the past years, and I believe I submitted 2 to your web site: one when I was smoking late at night and saw two red eyes looking in my direction, and more recently, the "chattering" experience I had on Mt. Nebo in northern Arkansas a year or so ago. I personally believe that from time to time we have a creature that comes to our part of the woods. My daughter and I have smelled that strong, musky smell on a couple of different occasions, smelling like rotting meat, but then disappearing after a minute or so. This is the same smell I have encountered when I was searching down in the Fouke area (the south western corner of Arkansas), where Boggy Creek meets up with the Sulphur River Bottoms in east Texas, and where many reports still come from today. This smell was also noticed in areas where I traveled to in Arkansas where sightings had taken place the same day or a day or two earlier. The woods close to our mobile home are dense, but the ground is so hard, that no one could ever find a track unless it was right near a creek or on the edge of one of the ponds.

Activities of Witness:   Standing outside smoking 

Description of Creature:  No creature was seen

Other Notes:    Now that the weather is cooling down at night, I will begin my personal research again, traveling to Ouachita National Forest, for possible activity. If I get time I would like to submit my experience my ex wife and I had in Michigan back in the early 80's.

Other (Informational or Encounter History in the General Area) Notes:    There have been sightings in Pulaski and Saline Counties, and throughout Arkansas. I have talked to close acquaintances who have claimed to have seen evidence of sasquatch activity around their properties, and I personally believe that there are several creatures in our state, or at least many that pass through, stopping for food and/or shelter.

Additional Notes and or Follow up Comments N/A

Report Posted to the G.C.B.R.O. web site by:  GCBRO Web master

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