From the Files of the
Gulf Coast BigFoot Research Organization

Reported by: Confidential

Report Received From: The GCBRO Online Report Submission Form.
Report Posted To GCBRO Web Site On  April 1, 2008

DATE:    September 25, 2006 

TIME:     About 10:00 a.m. 

LOCATION:   Knonx County, Maine 

TERRAIN:    Swampy, high hills on one side and swamp on the other  

OBSERVED:    I was at work i work on a farm i had just gotten there i walked into the barn started the tractor and was letting it warm up when i had a weird felling like i was being watched so i jumped on the tractor and started out of the barn went across the road and onto the farm road to go to one of the old barns way down back i was about half way to the old barn when i stopped to put the tractor in to 4x4 because it gets  to be hard driving. so i had the same felling again i looked around and saw nothing i had gotten back on the tractor and went to put it in gear but i happened to grind them and then the animal popped out it must have been the biggest thing i have ever seen it was about 7 or 8 feet tall and long gray and brown fur i was scared to death i slammed the tractor in to reverse and backed all the way down the road.

Activities of Witness:   I had been up since 7:00 am went to the store and then came to work. 

Description of Creature:  It was about 7 or 8 feet tall it had gray and brown fur it was shaggy it looked muddy i think it was because it had rained the night before.

Other Notes:    I just had the weird feeling the entire time.  i am just baffled that it would even come around the place with all the dogs.  we have seventeen of them.

Other (Informational or Encounter History in the General Area) Notes:    I work on the farm but it is a dog farm once in while be can not get the dog to stop barking and we have had a dog run off after some thing and not come back.

Additional Notes and or Follow up Comments N/A

Report Posted to the G.C.B.R.O. web site by:  GCBRO Web master

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