From the Files of the
Gulf Coast BigFoot Research Organization

Reported by: Confidential

Report Received From: The GCBRO Online Report Submission Form.
Report Posted To GCBRO Web Site On  February 1, 2008

DATE:    July 15, 2007 

TIME:     Mid-Day 

LOCATION:   Berkley County, West Virginia 

TERRAIN:    Wooded, Mountains, Large Creek 

OBSERVED:    The thing we saw was probably 8 feet tall, black, running 20 to 30 feet to our left, at about id say was something like 30 mph, and was stalking us.  but here is how we met up with this creature. me and a friend were walking through the woods because we had heard something odd coming from within it beforehand. so me my friend and our brothers went in deeper and deeper. until our brothers decided they didn't want to come any farther. but me and my friend had an odd feeling and decided that we were gonna go one maybe even two more hills before turning back. well after the second hill that we had crossed, which was about 15 min after our brothers left we heard something big moving about in the surrounding woods. we immediately stopped and turned around and saw an enormous black creature running at a tremendous speed right past us twenty to thirty feet away tops. mind you all it was way too fast to be a bear on two legs but yet way too tall to be any other woods creature that live in these woods...we were terrified and decided to pick up the largest object we could find. just in case it charged us. and then we took off. on the way back home we could still hear the creature lurking behind us. and around us. and whenever we stopped the noise of rustling leaves stopped too which showed that this thing had some sort of intelligence. at least that's what i drew from that observation. thankfully after a while though it sounded like it had stopped following us. but we never let our guards down. because of fear of this thing.  

Activities of Witness:   Walking through woods 

Description of Creature:   8-10 feet tall. Black Fur that wasn't very long you could say the hair was short. very fast. seen this thing around water (large creek).  

Other Notes:    Anxious and jumpy. we definitely felt as if we were being watched. almost fear. 

Other (Informational or Encounter History in the General Area) Notes:    At the diving hole at the creek my cousin and brother said that they seen a creature about 8 ft tall and black. making grumbling noise. could've been bear. because they jumped off the diving hole rather quickly after seeing it according to them. other friend reported seeing something like this too. but not around the same exact area. by creek. 

Additional Notes and or Follow up Comments N/A

Report Posted to the G.C.B.R.O. web site by:  GCBRO Web master

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